Friday, 9 October 2015

Working Freelance - Week 4

Mind - 

This week did a dance section, as well as dance based games; we try to bring some different games and I feel that because we have been there for 4 weeks so we should have a good idea of what we can do that they will respond to.

I feel this week went well and they really responded to the theatre games that we played. I feel we didn't get time to plan a again this week, so I think I may try to get everyone together for a brief session plan beforehand, so that we can feel more organized for the next session. The best thing about spending time with the people at MIND is that everybody is becoming more comfortable and confident with us, so we are having more clients joining in the pair tasks. They started to relax more, which makes the interaction easier and more successful.

My thoughts from this week was that I think that our group has become too comfortable with the clients so that we have become too comfortable that has made us somewhat unprofessional with the clients as we are getting over excited and I feel that because we haven't got a teacher that supervises us, we have become too relaxed with the group. 

Panto - 

The panto rehearsal wasn't on this week so it was a good time for me to plan and choreograph the second song that we will be doing.  

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